Monday 7 April 2014

Soccer With Benefits

Many conversations have been raised among friends with valid to absurd points whether this sport or that sport is better or what actually constitutes a sport to be a sport, usually the conversations are rational but tend to linger off to what boys to best, break things and yell when they don’t get their way. This has lead me to spell out what soccer can do for someone, it helped me more than just physically and will benefit others to level that they could not see before.

Physically, with consistent play soccer will lead to a healthy weight by running 5-10 kilometers per game recreationally where as a pro athlete will run 10 kilometers or more every game while controlling the ball for 200 meters (average) and sprinting 800-1200 meters (average) per game.

Soccer will keep your brain in check, your brain ends up doing many things at once which is ideal because just one play can change the game in seconds. Soccer requires a player to be on their toes and mentally alert, controlling the ball while running, anticipating the play and making calculated decisions to advance the play and keeping in mind where your players and the other team is on the field. 

Soccer teaches sportsmanship, leadership and good worth ethic. To play soccer well and gain all the good the game can give you, you need to train hard and focus on your play. As a recreational player of any age you are able to benefit from what soccer can give because as you progress so do your skills and soccer IQ.

Socially soccer can do wonders, playing on a recreational team can lead to lifelong bonds with teammates and bring like minded people together and share similar interest. 

I gave up playing soccer for a couple of years after high school to concentrate on college, then I was sidelined for two years with a back injury. I didn't think I would be able to play again, it was a dark time recovering from back surgery, gaining weight, being unproductive, did not have the best outlook to get myself back in shape and not actively thinking about bettering myself after a painful recovery. It was a close friend that became a teammate who helped out, encouraged me to get on my feet and got me playing soccer again, it was the common interest in soccer (and his need of a goalkeeper) that shaped our friendship. 

After my surgery I really found the true benefit of being apart of a team, with conditioning and playing I was able to appreciate what this sport provides more than competition. The physicality and being mentally alert can really take a person who absolutely out of shape to (eventually) make them into a scoring machine and introduce you to people who otherwise would pass you by on the street. I have made new friends and become a better player but above all improved my health.

Be it baseball, basketball, hockey or soccer, whichever sport you call your own you will benefit from it. Playing co-ed, beer league or competitive you will gain from it and increase your circle of friends. It doesn't matter what constitutes as sport and doesn't matter how many arguments you will have defending your sport of choice, the real winner in the end is you and the benefits you gain from playing what you love. 

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